Jan 28, 2009

Our Complete Profile- Go Crazy You Stalkers

Connor "Crazychopsticks" Cheyne
Born Date: 1942. . . Columbus sailed the ocean blue, half past noon o'clock.
Born Place: Gerald's Bar and Grill
Weight: Muscles
Height: Undefined
Credit Card Number: 6
Superpowers: Regrettably. . . none
Sense of Direction: Ridiculously low

Jonah "T" Heemstra
Born Day: Unknown
Born Where?: Mountain Town, Iowa
Weight:1.5 goats
Height: 3 sacks of barley
Identity Theft: Much
Recent Crimes: 6 counts of Not Parking Violations, 3 counts of Frolicking in the Minimal, and 9 counts of Disturbing the Peace, which includes yelling, screaming, loud music, and clubbing a small tree with a toilet scrubber while singing "It ain't gonna rain no more."

Set lasers to stun.

Jan 12, 2009

Just Some Thoughts. . . In Olde English

Things Not To Joketh About
  • The destruction of thine sisters bunny.
  • The quality of thine mothers foodstuffs.
  • The economical crisis of thine mother-country.
  • Chuck Norris
What thou Doest to Get Thine Butt Whooped In Thy School
  • Quote thy favorite Sci-Fi movie. If thou wisheth to re-live the Star Wars battles, do so in thine bedroom.
  • Act older than thy superiors. A senior is he, so moveth from his way. Particularly in thine lunch line area.
  • Tuck in thy shirt, pull up thy breeches, and weareth a mighty belt. . . and a Detroit Lions hooded sweatshirt.
  • Chuck Norris
How to Get thine Bottocks Chuckethed Into Thine Local Prison
  • Driveth drunkenly, with thine cigar in mouth, and beer can in thy cupholder. Though you are only 14. Swerveth to thy left and to thy right, so as to cause panic to the sharers of thine road. Don't look where thy goeth. Speaketh to thine friends in the backseat, who are playing with knives as long as thine shin-bone. Do not shake too violently though, for thou might forgeteth about thine 4 illegal immigrants that thou picked up earlier. Smoking medical marijuanna for the injury they might receive in the future. Oh, and put out thine rear tail-lights. How pointless.
  • Insult thine mothers meatloaf.
  • Chuck Norris
How to Get Out Of Economical Crisis
  • Moveth to Sweden, where meatballs and dynamite are thine true economy.
  • Chuck Norris
  • Kill thine sisters bunny.

Jan 8, 2009

Newcomers Here

I was just thinking, there have been a few people who are just visiting the site, and I want them to have the full experience, so heres what I would call. . . the Best of 2008. Some of the posts I made that the newbies might have missed. I'm gonna put down the ones I recommend, but if anyone wants to comment on theirs. . . go for it.

First One

The Elderly

So those are just a few, feel free to give your own input.

Ending the only post here that hasnt been for a humorous purpose.
Connor Cheyne

Jan 7, 2009

Spring Cleaning. . . in Winter.

So heres some of the things I've found after looking through all my old pictures. It's a sight to see I'll say.
I dont even remember where this one came from. I'm sure Ive used it as an MSN pic before though.
I'm afraid to say that I know exactly where this one came from. My dad e-mailed it to me. All I want to know is how many rounds it took to take down that squirrel. But I get the feeling they did all of that with their bare hands. . . blindfolded.
This one sums up all of the junk in my pictures folder. It sits side by side with pictures of Scooby Doo . . . . and other obscenities.

Jonah says hi. Dude is still up there with those monks. The Few, The Brave, the ZMA.

Jan 2, 2009

HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!. . . one day late

Here are some very real highlights of my new years party.
This very real picture is of me doing my backflip onto the bridge-tunnel-of-near-death after drinking severals of Red Bulls.
I ALMOST made it. My sponsors and hospital bills were going crazy. You shoulda seen it.
A moose

Happy Late 2009