Nov 9, 2008


Some people don't beleive in luck. . . some do. Say I go win the lottery. There are people who will tell me that I got lucky. Other people will look at probablilitys (spell check?) and tell me that I had a one gajillionth of a chance to win and I did. So basically they were both saying I got really lucky. . . Ok thats what I call a bad example. I'm not even old enough to buy lottery tickets.

Try two. So say that I am driving along. . . and suddenly I have to swerve to dodge a conga line of black cats. Then I go home, and mistakingly flush my lucky rabit foot down the toilet. Then I go to mow the lawn. Little to my knowings, I've just run over the only patch of four leaf clover for 50 miles. Then I go walk under a ladder, break a mirror, and spot a flock of albotross. Coincidence? (spell check?) Yea. . . its a coincidence. . . because then I go ahead and win the lottery. There. Deal with it.

This is usually where I would either wrap up or wind down this post. . . depending on where I wanted to go with the point I was rolling with. Well get this. . . I have no idea where I was going with my point, I didnt even have a point. I was just gonna improvise as i went along. I probably shouldnt even post this, but who knows? Maybe some psychos will read this and get so confused that they become geniuses and win Nobel Prizes. Lucky them.

One last message to the people. . . If you had one of the days that I explained in the paragraph located two above this one. Your toast. No joke, you might as well scream "I don't beleive in fairies!" and then go play Russian Roulette. I am terribly sorry.

So now your confused because of everything, jealous because I'm a millionare, and mad because I've just pretty much told you that you have an increasingly short time to live. I see that I've accomplished a lot in the half hour it took me to write this. Lucky me.

That was for you Jim.


  1. thats funny, but you offend me every time you say something about cats! especially now, cats are VERY lucky! i suggest you stop or i report you. you guys are funny though so i guess i won't. who posted that connor or jonah?

  2. i think jonah is a whole lot funnier than conner!
