Nov 2, 2008

Nun- Chuckers

Times have changed gentlemen, halloween is no longer what it used to be. . . The good ol' days when you would come back home with enough candy to support the Allied Nations are most definetly over. There are severals of good reasons why this is so. Let me explain. . . in bullet form :)

1. Females

I dont care what your doing on Halloween, it has been affected by females. . . unless of course your a female yourself, in which case you should take a skip over this first one. But really, we decided to go trick-o-treatin with a bunch of ladies this year. Good idea right? False. Very false. Fun? Yes. Candy? None whatsover. Dont get me wrong. . . running around with a pack of gurlz is fun, but at the end of the night. . . who is the one who has all of the candy? You guessed it, the little kids who went out at 4:30, stayed out untill 9, and ran their little buns off going door to door to door. We just stood and walked and then stood some more.

2. Costumes

Once you reach the teenage years, there are 2 different kinds of people. The ones that dress up in such elaborate costumes that you actually think Hulk is at your door. And the ones where the person who is wearing the costume doesnt even know what he/she is. But heres the fact. The guys who dress up like ninja's and actually have swords and nun-chuckers and all that (those are the elaborate ones) dont have any hand room for a bucket. See? What ninja caries a bucket!?! So this ninja man just goes door to door, showing off his costume, and wondering what the world to do with his candy. Which he then decides to chuck at some nun's. The other people dont even care about a bucket(us). They just eat the candy as they go along. (us)

3. There is no 3, i could actually probably go untill 23 but my mom is leaving in like 5 minutes plus i'm tired and hungry, so i'm just gonna end it right here. So just remember. If you want candy, stay away from women, and just. . . . dress up AS a bag-bucket (theres a thought).


  1. Thanks Connor and we know how you really feel about us. (the girlz)

  2. that is your worst post. no offence or anything but it is.
    ithl has spoken (typed)
