Feb 16, 2009

A Fly on the Wall. . . . at a MENS sleepover.

Here I shall point out the many things that you did or didn't want to know about mens parties that extend into the wee hours of the morning*. Hold on to your seats, and prepare to stay on the edge of your pants.

When a group of guys hang out, it's inevitable that all sorts of things unsanitary, unethical, disrespectful and who knows what else are going to happen. My friends and I are no exception. We have had more face-slappings and cake-chuckings than I can count.** But first thing is first, here is a list of things that guys DONT do at sleepovers.

  1. Sleep
  2. Paint our nails
  3. Talk about the issues***
  4. Do homework
  5. Do baking
And to correspond with the not doings, here are the doings as well.
  1. Full contact sports
  2. Full video game sports
  3. Recording our number one jams
  4. Umm. . . sometimes. . . . . baking****.
Well I'm bored. So I'm going to stop typing, but trust me, I was going to go on about Rouge Unicorns, Dungeons and Dragons, and THE ALMIGHTY FUTON! And quite possibly. . .*Hushed silence*. . . the Man Code. *gasping. . . babies crying* I had to fill out like 5 hours worth of paperwork to even mention it. I wouldn't be surprised if I am assassinated within 40 minutes.

Children. . . carry on my legacy. And may you never get the Salmonella.*********

*sleepovers, but with less sleeping.
***Umm occasionally we talk about SOME issues. . .NOT who is the hottest on Reality TV though. Definitely not. For real. Never ever.
****There was this one time when we made cookies. . . but they were GOOD.
*********Really, it isn't fun. I had like a whole month of summer spent on the couch b/c of it.

Someone just tell me if these are annoying, I think they're kind of fun. But hey, you can deal with it, you Ithlite.


  1. that was actually kinda funny, but don't get ur hopes up. my name is ithl not ithlite and don't capitalize the i! i don't mean 2 b rude but IM BEING RUDE 2 U AND I HOPE U DON'T CARE AND PLZ DON'T RESPOND AND ACT ALL COOL TO HER LITTLE FRIENDS CUZ I REALLY THINK UR DUMB AND I THINK JONAH IS THE FUNNY ONE LET HIM POST FOR ONCE!

  2. This blog was totally inspired by me :)

  3. in my defense. . . jonah doesnt have the internet right now. and you might be surprised at how much influence he has on the blog. For example. . . there may or may not be a major motion picture with us later on. . . . a lot later. . . .a whole lot later.

    Yes Mikaela. . .You inspired this post.

  4. I wish I could comment on the other blog! ...

  5. ha ha on the other blog u forgot the " on the end. ur so dumb! thx 4 finally putting something jonah said on the blog.

  6. this one is one of the very best! i like all of them, but this one is super awesome! haha! -anna!
