Dec 13, 2008

Shout Out

So for like the past two weeks, I've had umm. . . zero comments to check and moderate. So I was quite a happy person when suddenly I had 6 of them just waiting there. I'm not sure if this is computer error or just a spontaneous amount of traffic. Quite honestly I don't know what to think about this.

I already gave a shout out to my friend Mr. Turkeycorn. Don't tell him, but I was thinking about maybe getting a discount on my vegetables. . . it's unfortunate he doesnt sell potatoes. Maybe some day a Scandinavian potatoe farmer will comment. OH I cant wait.

This brings me to YOU Ithl. I dont know what you want, or what your name stands for. But the last time I waltzed into the International Tooth House in Louisiana, I had to watch some lame movie about gingivitis. Lemme tell ya Ithula, brush 3 times a day, and make sure to sing the ABC's at least twice. If not, the consequences. . . .can be disgusting.

Oh and Aunt Angie. . . I have never been so simultaneoulsy honored and embarrased to have you comment, all the way from the blazing blaze* of northern Virginia. Tell the cousins. . . to keep it real.

All y'alls keep it clean

*Line stolen from Jonah Heemstra, whose utterances are an enlightenment to humanity. May they never go hungry "in the blazing blaze of southern Montana. . . "


  1. i will never tell you wat ithl stands for or who i am, but i will tell you that you know me and i know you.

  2. Connor,

    you probably would recognize me but i found your blog on jim's blog! i am a freshman at anthem just like you! i was kinda excited to see that you had a blog because all my friends tease me for having one but whatever that isn't going to stop me! you should totally check out my blog!

    brie beasley

  3. 15 days and no new blog? for shame!
