Kerancang adalah cara membordir khas dari Bukittinggi. Bordiran dibuat menggunakan mesin yang sangat sederhana (mesin jahit hitam. Kerancang ini sangat tinggi nilai seninya. Karna 1 helai mukena dikerjakan selama 1 - 2 bulan. Hasil kerancang sangat halus namun kuat. Itulah sebabnya mukena kerancang harganya agak tinggi karna hasil kerancangnya sangat bagus.
If you actually read that, and took note of the title, that means your reading this right now. I'm happy for you. I got the above scripture from some blog about. . . well it was all sounding like what you were reading, so i dont know what it was about. There were some pots and some flowers though. I pity the person who thought it was wise to try and read that out loud. Its a doozy. So I'm going to try and translate. Enjoy.
First, its obvious that a woman whose name is Karen Cang has written it. She is from the memorable town of Bukittinggi, where she purchased an adalah. Karen takes this time to tell us that a salami biker-jacket costs 1-2 bulan, a form of currency. Her friend Bordi ran all the way from Menggunkan to Sederhana to get it. Unfortunately, he tripped over 3 sangats. Then a Masin hit him. But Karen threw a sangat at it and it turned into an Itulah. The rest i can get is something about mucus and Karen putting a sangat in a bag. Dont ask me what she's going to do with it. But ive been told that sangats can be sold for a pretty penny (6-7 bulan), that'll bring home the bacon.
I hope you all had a pleasant sunday, full of sebabnya and free of harganya. And may you never come across a dikerjakan.
Nov 23, 2008
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the end was the best!!
k bye
ha ha