Oct 29, 2008

The Queen Loves Tacos

Here we go. . . this is like the actual step one of this whole blog thing. I've discovered actually, that half of the people you ask will say that blogging is stupid. But hey, ive done stupider things, and this is sweet. Ive also discovered that half of the people I ask will tell me that my address thing is stupid. Seriously, i didnt know what to put. The Queen Loves Tacos was actually a sweet idea.
It started when Jonah and I (and Mitch{power to the people})were having a "sleepover," or maybe a "dudes night out." I dunno somehow we got talking about yoga. Good ol' yoga. Someone mentions something about buns and thighs. That was it. . .buns and thighs was born. We made a song with like 4 verses and a sweet chorus, and called it Buns and Thighs.(oh man if i can find out how to put music on here!) We needed a band name. Yea. You got it. The Queen Loves Tacos. See? Terrible web address, but at least a semi-cool band name.

I figured out something else too. It's really hard to try and be funny twice in a row. Or even just twice. Especially if I'm usually gonna be writing these things without Jonah. The dude is my inspiration. So I'm going to try my best to be entertaining. Just a hint, if you are on the floor laughing right now, you are so false. Its not even funny how wrong you are. See the previous post, item number 3.


  1. I don't care what everyone else says - and I mean EVERYONE - you two boys are definitely funny. Or at least watching you laugh at your own jokes is funny. Love, your Mother (by the way - I know you love it when I post a comment.)

  2. Oh i love you mother...let the sarcasm flow forth.

  3. so that's y u have such a cool name, i love it but it would b better if it was the queen ithl loves tacos.
